5 Things To Know About The Affordable Housing Crisis

Right now, millions of Americans lack access to a safe and stable supply of affordable housing. According to the National Low-Income Housing Coalition, the United States needs a minimum of 7.2 million more affordable housing units. What do we as Americans need to know to understand the current affordable housing crisis?

  1. There is not enough affordable housing supply to meet demand.
  2. We must pay attention to the percentage of Americans who are ‘rent-burdened’ and ‘severely rent-burdened,’ and understand what these terms mean.
  3. Households can budget better when their rent is stable.
  4. Affordable housing isn’t ‘one and done’ — it needs to be maintained.
  5. Solving this crisis requires long-term commitment and public-private collaboration.

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Key Takeaways

  • There is not enough affordable housing supply to meet demand.
  • Solving this crisis requires long-term commitment and public-private collaboration.
  • Households can budget better when their rent is stable.
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