About Us

Unlike any other activity group, sport, or event, Buddy System is a network of people who get together to make friends and be a part of a social community rather than simply meet for an activity or purpose. This makes up the buddy system an unlimited pool of friends with activities, get together, events, and adventures to fill your social calendar. Some find the best friends they wil ever have with us, some find relationships, some find activity partners, workout buddies and no never leaving anyone behind on a Friday night with just Netflix to chill with.           

These days it seems making friends, building long term relationships and being a part of a community isn’t congruent with modern living therefore many of us live unfulfilled social lives with most us having fewer and fewer friends leaving us socially isolated which leads to depression, social anxiety, loneliness, boredom and deepens our despair.           

Fortunately this no longer needs to be the case as the buddy system is where real, lasting, friendships and relationships are a part of a thriving social community of members who genuinely care about each other. Our members participate in each other's lives by being a friend and having a friend supporting each other and having the time of our lives while doing it.

Now, with no restrictions on our social systems we’re getting to work on curing vancouver of its the social stigma about making friends and getting to know people.


Vancouver, BC
(604) 369-3515

Social Links

Our Team

Ross Hiebert

Owner / Operator / CEO

How We Started