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Carl Boucher, un Franco-Albertain passionné et expert en vins canadiens
June 27, 2020

By: Lyssia Baldini @ CBC Radio Canada

New Wine Club Brings Canadian Wine to Canadians, Direct From Wineries
June 17, 2020

By: BC Wine Trends @ BC Wine Trends

Media Contacts

Mira Boucher

2841 Shannon Lake Rd
West Kelowna, BC V4T 1T6


About Carl's Wine Club

Carl & Mira here, from Calgary.

In early 2020, we were visiting wine country in BC's Okanagan Valley. It dawned on us that many people won't get a chance to visit wineries in person this year.And even after the pandemic, it can be difficult to discover new wines from the 800+ wineries in Canada. They're often not available at liquor stores, and buying online without ever having tasted the wines can be intimidating.

It's a shame - because you may be missing out on some excellent wines.

Canada's wines are entering what Carl likes to call the Golden Age right now...and Carl should know, he has 25+ years of experience in the wine industry, tasting thousands of wines from around the world.Canada is producing truly world-class wines right here in our own backyard!

World-class wines like these wines from Black Hills Estate Winery in BC or these ones from 13th Street Winery in Ontario. Vines that were planted 15+ years ago are now starting to produce top notch grapes, while winemakers have had enough experience with Canada's unique seasons and terroir to truly fine-tune their winemaking. 

But you might be missing out on these wines because many can't be purchased at liquor stores. Many of these wineries don't have a full website where you can find out enough about the wines to understand if you might enjoy them. They're often small producers, hand-crafting wonderful wines and running the winery as a family or close to it.

We wanted to carve a new path for Canadians to be able to discover and support Canadian wineries, from the comfort of their own homes. So...Carl's Wine Club was born! And we launched on Canada Day in the middle of a pandemic no less!

Every 1-2 weeks, we send club members an email with our new featured winery that Carl (and Mira!) have curated for you. If and when you choose to, you can order a member-exclusive tasting pack from the winery. As a club, we often get things like free or reduced shipping, or wines from the winery's library that can't be found anywhere else.

Then, join us for a free virtual guided tasting with Carl, special guests, and other members where you'll learn more about those wines and have fun discovering them together. Plus, we have an active VIP Facebook group where you can swap tasting notes and pairing ideas - you'll get the VIP invite after you place your first order.We're building more than just a wine club. We're building a fun community of wine lovers...Canada's first pan-Canadian wine club to connect us directly to Canada's best wineries!

Join us for free today by leaving your name and email on this page. 

Looking forward to our wine adventures with you!


Carl & Mira

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