Wall Street’s New Year’s Resolution: Launch More IPOs

No matter how you cast your ballot in the presidential election last month, recent history suggests your vote counts for IPOs.

No matter how you cast your ballot in the presidential election last month—for the Democrats, the Republicans, Greens, or the transcendental meditation-focused Natural Law Party—recent history suggests your vote counts for initial public offerings.

EY analysts tallied data from the previous five presidential election years as part of their annual IPO review — 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 — and found the average US IPO volume was 130. In other words, that’s roughly how many companies were willing to test the waters on public markets with America’s immediate political future in the balance.

But what about the five years — 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017 and 2021 — immediately after those election years? The average US IPO volume was 194, a roughly 50% increase. Nothing like the clarity of an election result, no matter the victor, to give executives one less variable to worry about.


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