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Demolition of former Rebman's store begins
September 18, 2023

By: Chris Reber @ Lancaster Online

August 6, 2023

By: Chris Reber @ Lancaster Online

Media Contacts

Jeremy Feakins

800 South Queen Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
United States of America


About JPF Venture Group, Inc.

JPF Venture Group, Inc is an experienced investor and business advisor that has started, led, managed or advised start-up, small and medium-sized businesses (SME’s) in the United States (U.S.) and the United Kingdom (UK). We provide investment capital and business development needs to U.S. businesses and British companies who are considering starting or growing their business operations in the United States.

We focus on sustainable business ideas with an emphasis on businesses located in the Opportunity Zones of central Pennsylvania and Maryland. Our experience includes starting, funding, managing and operating companies in renewable energy, community-focused property development, artificial intelligence (AI), eCommerce, retail and convenience stores, ecological living, organic consumer products, agriculture, hemp/CBD, medical devices and capital markets.

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